Gamel's Artistry features
original artwork on canvas
Focused on God's beauty
in landscapes and seascapes
captured in acrylic paint.
Original creations and
commissioned work are available.
Currently available in Original and Print
A storm is building.
The air is heavy, waves are rising and lightening cracks across the sky.
Overhead, an ominous darkness is taking over the land and sea, broken only by the blinding strikes of angry electricity, illuminating the distance clouds. The peace and calm of the day have fled.
How quickly our world can change without warning. Storms in life often develop just as unexpectedly, leaving us confused and astonished.
In times like these we seek our Beacon in the Storm, We seek a high place, out of the darkness, built on a solid foundation and strong against the wind. Perhaps it is your faith, your family or a friend. We all need a Beacon in the Storm from time to time.
May you be blessed to be the Beacon in a Storm for a friend or even a stranger.
Keep your light strong so that others may see as they seek shelter during their storms in life.
The cooler days of fall have finally arrived bringing the joys of the brilliant foliage, hay rides and the fall harvest.
Pumpkins are essential to so many of the fall celebrations, including carving contest, pumpkin pies and fall festivals. All of these are celebrations and so many more are made possible by the farmer and the pumpkin harvest. So thank you for all the care and long hours you invest for our love of the pumpkin harvest.
The midnight air, high in the mountains is crisp and clear, unpolluted by the city noise or smells of civilization.
The stillness in the moonlight is filled with the sweet smells of the pines and the chill that sinks down from the snow still clinging to the highest peaks. Here you can see forever and dream even further.
A lone canoe rest on the edge of a peaceful lake, anticipating its next voyage across to the other side.
But for now, it rest in the perfect balance of nature.
The sun sets on the end of a perfect trip, spent in harmony with nature where the cares of this life have been washed away in the river, leaving only peace and tranquility to fill ones heart and mind.
The Cahaba whispers many wisdoms if we will only listen. This beautiful waterway quietly works its way through the barriers of life, never ceasing its pursuit to create and control its own destiny, regardless of the obstacles of life, renewing its strength where necessary. The river always flows forward, never looking back; never judging or playing favorites.
On the river, solace and the freedom from the demands and worries of your day is yours but the obligation to adapt to forces greater than yourself, or be overwhelmed by them, is required. Avoiding the rocks and paddling when the water stands still, allows us to renew our faith, trust our instincts and reset our priorities.
Time spent kayaking the Cahaba among the rare lilies gives you time to forget the worries of your day.
Floating through the gentle waters and navigating the rapids allows us to renew our faith, trust our instincts and reset our priorities.
While only a short distance from the busy streets, deep in the woods, the Cahaba is a world away from the stresses of this life but only a thought away from our next adventure.
Yak, yak, yak
I set the soapbox on fire and sunk the ship, now the Yak has even more to talk about...
The gentle breeze blows across the shore of the deserted island, as the mountains rise high in the distance and twin palms line the narrow beaches. The deep rich forest is lush with ferns and vegetation that shelter the wildlife that run free, living as nature intended.
The breeze carries the songs of the birds and the smell of the salty air. The crystal clear water reflects the warm sun and reveals the beauty of the sea life surrounding the island.
Today, as every day, the days pass slowly with every moment cherished. Coconuts ripen and drop to the shore, rolling to rest or being washed out to sea. Everything is consumed or is returned to the earth, nothing is wasted, nothing is left behind, and even the footprints of the seagulls who have come to hunt for crabs will be washed away, leaving everything pristine, just as it was created.
Off in the distance the lights of the Port City shine across the sea.
The city, seeming so familiar, but unnamed, is a city of light and hope. It sits on the edge of an unfamiliar nation. It is an entrance to a land of opportunity, a land of mysteries, and a land of greatness, built by the Creator’s hand.
Many have found their way here and call this place home but the voyage to the Port City is an individual journey and each must find the way. The travel may be filled with stormy seas, uncertain winds and long days. However, those who have made the journey proclaim that the rewards are great with discoveries of untold glory, finding eternal peace.
Should you choose to venture this way, may your sails be strong, your weather fair and your journey blessed.
The sands of time blow across the centuries, changing the landscape and the scenery but never losing their grain.
The sands are tiny crystals that move with the wind and gather together to create great structures.
Even at their size, they can erode great stones and create great dunes, but they remain tiny crystals, individual and unique, in beautiful complexity.
Stay true to yourself, no matter what you may conquer in life.
Many days have passed on the open ocean, surviving storms, preva iling winds and the searing sun, but port is in sight under a high moon.
I am coming home.
A gentle breeze guides me in. I long for the land beneath my feet for my house is built on a rock. The rains will fall, the floods will come and the winds may blow, but it will not fail me, on solidrock I will stand.
The eagle nest on the edge of Freedom where there is room to soar. The valley, shrouded by blue skies and surrounded by majestic mountains, nestles the waters of life. The days are timeless and life is untamed.
Here, life is simple and honest, and the cycle of life continues as it was meant to be. The warm wind blows across the open plain and Freedom breathes life into the hopes of all who find their way here.
The Master’s hand colors the sky a brilliant orange as the sun sets behind the pines. The day is fading but the sky explodes just before the darkness as a celebration of a warm summer’s day, now past.
The earth will sleep embracing the darkness with rest, just as we must also rest to face the dawn. Tomorrow waits to reveal the mysteries of the Masters plan.
Finally, the long hot summer has passed and there is a nip in the air! The first snow has arrived, covering the ground in a carpet of bliss.
Cooler days and longer nights have intrigued the bucks to find the does. The crisp air excites God’s creatures with a sense of adventure and a drive - a drive to survive and thrive.
Long lazy Sunday drives took us down many roads in life. Spring picnics and summer stops beside the stream where the children played in the edge of Cattail Creek.
The water, still cool as it flowed from the mountains in the distance, was clear enough to catch crawfish or minnows that slipped through our hands and delighted the squeals in a moment of bliss.
Moments that made time stand still and youth a cherished memory.
Deep in the woods unexpected treasures are found. As the seasons change, the beauty of the colors explode, lasting but a little while.
The everlasting waterfall rushes consistently, through the woods and rocks, full of energy and life. The sound drowns out the troubles of the world while the cool water refreshes our thirst and senses. The winds are washed clean in her mist and the temperature falls. Soon the seasons will change again and she will be tempted, but will never surrender, to freeze. Her strength will outlast the rocks and soil around her as they yield to her will over the ages.
Her elegance and endurance inspire all who visit.
The peace found deep in the forest endures to renew us, even if our visit is only for a little while.
available in PRINT ONLY
Bathed in the glory of His light, we open our lives to the blessings, grace and guidance awaiting us through our faith.
We all walk a narrow, shadowy path toward the edge of the uncertainty of tomorrow, but we need not journey alone. We are always in the radiance of His grace.
The one room church house has long been forgotten with today’s large worship halls and arenas. But this house was larger than the size of the well-worn floor boards. It held the entire community through worship and weeping, through weddings and funerals, through voting poles and vacation bible school.
These houses join the people together where everyone knew each other.
The summer breeze coming through the open door was as warm as the friendships formed inside and carried the sounds of fellowship through the trees and the hearts of all those who attended.
Life was simple when you lived off the land in the shadow of the majestic mountains.
The seasons passed with reason and nature knew when the day was done and turned down the lights.
When the sun sets behind the trees, the evening would end with time spend on the porch rocking the cares away as the children swung on an old tire hung high on a limb.
For many years you have stood strong, your wisdom guiding me through the fog when I lost my way.
You were always there, steadily beckoning me to join you on the safety of the shore where your light warms my soul and your walls give me shelter, surrounding me with love.
You have always been the light of my life!
As the sun sets across a field of wheat, the plow finds its final rest. Many beads of sweat have been shared by her farmer, but many rocks have been overcome by her blade.
Although the droughts have threatened, the rains have battered, and year after year the sun has parched her wood to an ashy gray, the soil is turned, the seed has been sown in good earth and the days of harvest are near.
The rust on her plow and the splinters in her handles matter not now…the job has been well done.
When Jesus entrusted His spirit into God’s hands, judgment fell across the land, the day became as dark as night. With the sun near setting, the light returned as our salvation was purchased with God’s grace.
May we never forget God’s mercy and grace, for he gave His only begotten son so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
Never does a night seem longer than the one spent alone. Know that, through the darkness, someone is there for us, shining a beacon of hope without fading, blinking or failure.
Be patient for the beacon to light your way and rest quietly to hear the laps of the waves direct you to shore. With faith we are never alone or lost.
As the day fades across the wide expanse, the lone buoy rides the restless waves, standing upright through the sudden storms and alert to guide passing ships.
Day or night, through the grueling sun and lonely hours, it stays true to its purpose, for it is tethered to an anchor.
An anchor of understanding its purpose, and that it is making a difference,
An anchor of trust in its Creator that its cable will be strong and enduring.
An anchor of self-assurance that while others may think it lost, it is exactly where it is supposed to be.
The photo albums stand full of black and white and faded photographs of summers past.
The summer that you spent with family, not the internet or cell phones, but the summers you packed the car with kids and snacks and rolled down the windows for air conditioning.
The summer everyone saved their pennies to buy a souvenir to look back on and recall the memories of the times you stayed too long on the beach and rode home with a sunburn on vinyl seats.
A walk through the sandy grass that grows along the shore brings you to a hidden place far from the high rises and rental homes, it is called Lighthouse Beach.
Here the sand crabs populate the grounds and build their homes far from the threat of flip-flops and sun umbrellas.
This is a place that keeps pace with the timing of the beacon in the tower; a place where time can stop for as long as you stand still.
Alone in the dark. Alone in the world, or so it seems, until there in the distance, a faint light glimmers. A glimmer of hope to light your way.
With the parting of the clouds you begin to see that what has so often blocked your view is the heavy sails you raised to navigate life.
But now the skies are now clearing, the seas are calming and the wind is steadily guiding you home. Peace fills your troubled heart and calms your fears.
The light that is guiding you in grows clearer, and you see, the light has always been there and the light of His love never fades.
The place that seems so familiar to so many but known by so few.
The floor boards, dusty with corn and wheat, creaked when crossed; the wheel ground the harvest into the meal of life; and the water connected the cycle of seasons from the spring planting to the survival of snow.
The season of this lifestyle has now passed, leaving only the broken troughs of memories past.
The mountain tops, already capped in snow, sit against the brilliant pink skies as the hint of winter’s arrival blows in the wind. The tree, bare now, stands strong along the bank of the river from where it’s life force comes.
For, as the never ceasing river flows, it conquers the ice that will try to still it and the dams that will try to block its path.
The sun will rise each day, warming its surface to give it energy to renew itself again and again.
The beauty of life is often in the smallest miracles, often silent but always piercing our soul.
On the lonely shores, the mysteries of night seem overwhelming.
Under the high moon, the horizon is miles away and the dark waters are deep and relentless. The waves swell by a force greater than us, the invisible wind moves under the power of a hand unseen and the stars overhead remind us of how, we too, are just specks in the universe.
Here, alone in the dark we can feel so small and insignificant. Too small to affect change or make a difference.
But just as the waves and wind use the broken shells and rocks, crushed by thecycle of life, to reshape landscapes and tidal pools from which new life springs, we too, can create new dreams from broken pieces. We can change direction and build better lives, using those same unseen hands in this infinite space.
As I faced the Port of Miami, the cruise ships and cargo ships clog the shipping lanes in their travels as they push people and products to and from their destinations. The port of Miami is an international source of exchange and commerce. The activity never stops, 24 hours a day, every day the busyness of business continues.
But then I turn north and walk until the sound of the wind and waves drown out the bull horns and again, I found the overwhelming peace that only the force of nature c an bring. A place of wind, waves, sun and sea gulls. A place of harmony where nature is louder than humanity.
A place where you can think and be thankful.
The Port of Miami, a place of industry and inspiration.
The dawn wakes, filled with anticipation of the day. The oats stand patiently awaiting the sunrise and the sand warms under a sky filling with majestic shades of blue. The wind echoes with children’s laughter of yesterday as the waves caressed the shore.
Today too, will be filled with laughter, sandcastles and memories made under a brilliant sun. Families will gather, jumping playful waves, and watching their footprints be dragged out to sea.
But for now, at this quiet hour, time stands still, frozen, but just for a moment for the magnificent beauty to put aside your cares and still your body and soul.
The road to success is long worn from uncertain journeys.
Many have traveled this way on a quest of truth, fame or fortune.
Often they travel alone, but blessed are those who find friends along the way.
True friends travel the path with you, helping remove the obstacles of life,
Asking for nothing in return but the chance to share your wonder.